Latest Past Events

Library De-Stress Publications

Check out our webpage today for a new e-publication featuring fun activities you can do at home, such as original coloring pages, puzzles, simple recipes, de-stress tips, and more! Fall publications are posted every other Wednesday. Send questions, comments, and suggestions to mailto:[email protected] [email protected] mailto:[email protected] .

ACS-SA Student-Faculty Mixer

Natural Sciences Building Second Floor Terrace

Hello everybody! Join us Wednesday, November 9th, 12 pm-2 pm on the 2nd floor of the Natural Sciences Building for our first student-faculty mixer of the 2022-2023 school year! This will be a great opportunity for students and faculty to converse and get to know each other outside of a classroom setting. This event can […]


EBE Club Research Mixer

(CSE 4217 & Zoom)

EBE Club is holding a Research Mixer on Monday November 7th, at 6 pm. We will have a variety speakers talk about the labs at UCSD they are apart of and how to join them! Not only for EBE Majors! RSVP at